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Pink Cockatoo, kakatoe Leadbeateri by John Gould printed on tea towel Made in Australia


Brand: Koton Kraft

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  • Description

    Pink Cockatoo, kakatoe Leadbeateri by John Gould printed on tea towel Made in Australia

    Leadbeater's or Major Mitchell's Cockatoos aka Pink Cockatoo

    An unmistakable cockatoo of the dry inland, the Pink Cockatoo is the only Australian cockatoo that is salmon-pink below and white above. It is smaller than the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo C. galerita, but slightly larger than a Galah C. roseicapilla.

    Its most prominent feature is its large white-tipped crest that is banded in red and gold. With its soft-textured white and salmon-pink plumage and large, bright red and yellow crest, it is generally recognised as the most beautiful of all cockatoos.

    It is named in honor of Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, who wrote "Few birds more enliven the monotonous hues of the Australian forest than this beautiful species whose pink-colored wings and flowing crest might have embellished the air of a more voluptuous region".

    Its call is a distinctive stammering whinny.

    Product - Tea Towel

    Size - 50X70 cm

    Material: Cotton and Linen

    Style - Printed and sewn

    Brand - Koton Kraft

    Country of Origin - Australia

    Shipping - FREE SHIPPING

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1 unit
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